Edin Hajderovac Interview, Featuring Stefan Salinas' Book
Excerpt (translated):
The chair for the pope was the motive for the children's book in the United States?
We did not expect so much media attention. One American writer (Stefan Salinas) contacted us, and he sought out stories about religions, and he liked that we are Muslims, my grandfather pilgrims, and asked us to write a book about us. Thank God, this book saw the light of day, and I hope that this book is taught as a compulsory textbook in religious education in America.
Stolica za papu bila je motiv za dječiju knjigu u SAD-u?
Nismo očekivali toliku medijsku pažnju. Jedan američki pisac (Stefan Salinas) nas je kontaktirao, a on pravi priče o religijama, i svidjelo mu se što smo mi muslimani, moj je djed hadžija, te nas je zamolio da napiše knjigu o nama. Hvala Bogu, ta knjiga je ugledala svjetlo dana, a nadam se da će u tom dijelu Amerike uči kao obavezan udžbenik u vjeronauci.