Giclée print on 100% cotton rag, acid free, archival, 230 gsm paper.
Sizes: 18" x 18", 14” x 14” or 10" x 10"
Original: 18” x 18” x 1”, Acrylic, pencil, and crayon on canvas over wood panel, 2024.
(contact me for price of original -
EILEEN EGAN (1912–2000) was a journalist, Roman Catholic activist, and co-founder of the Catholic peace group, American PAX Association and its successor Pax Christi-USA, the American branch of International Pax Christi.
In 1971, she coined the phrase "seamless garment" to describe a holistic reverence for life. The phrase is a Bible reference from John 19:23 to the seamless robe of Jesus, which his executioners left whole rather than dividing it at his execution. The seamless garment philosophy holds that issues such as abortion, capital punishment, militarism, euthanasia, social injustice, unjust war, and economic injustice all demand a consistent application of moral principles valuing the sanctity of human life. "The protection of life", said Egan, "is a seamless garment. You can't protect some life and not others."
This concern became to be known as the CONSISTENT LIFE ETHIC.
CARDINAL JOSEPH BERNARDIN (1928 – 1996) was Cardinal for Chicago from 1982 – 1996. He helped publicize the consistent life ethic idea, initially in a lecture at Fordham University, December 6, 1983. At first Bernardin spoke out against nuclear war and abortion. However, he quickly expanded the scope of his view to include all aspects of human life.
Bernardin and other advocates of this ethic sought to form a consistent policy that would link all life-threatening issues.
J. BRYAN HEHIR, (b. 1940) is an American Catholic priest, philosopher, and theologian in the United States. He has taught at Harvard and Georgetown University, as well as lecturing and writing books about this ethic. He was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship in 1984. When he was a staff writer for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on political affairs, he coining the term "consistent ethic of life".
The non-profit organization Consistent Life Network, founded in 1987 as the Seamless Garment Network, promotes adherence to the ethic through education and non-violent action.
Pax Christi USA: